2015年4月7日 星期二

蠟梅種子催芽法 How to germinate seeds of Chimonanthus praecox

蠟梅種子催芽法 How to germinate seeds of Chimonanthus praecox

蠟梅的學名Chimonanthus praecox英文叫 fragrant wintersweet wintersweet。繁殖方法以播種、分株和壓條為主。初夏,一俟果實成熟由綠變褐黃,即將內含種子五、六粒取出及時播種,約7-10天發芽出土。種子也可乾藏或混沙儲藏,以備春播。乾藏的種子堅硬,播種前,即使先用水將種子泡一、兩天,也不易萌芽。可先用最細的砂紙sand paper,將種子的腹面(不是兩端)輕輕磨到棕褐色的種殼顯出褐黃色(如圖),但不要磨過度傷到胚珠,然後混濕沙堆(或鬆土、或蓋上濕紙)置室內。兩、三週內,陸續選發芽的種子、根朝下播種。剛出土的幼苗要上網罩,以免被好奇的知更鳥拔掉。



Seeds of lamei (Chimonanthus praecox ) have hard seed coating that prevent water from penetrating as well as the natural exchange of certain gases. If this process does not happen, then germination will not take place.

This is where scarification comes in handy. You can use a file, or even a pair of nail clippers, to scar the seed coating before sowing it. I use sandpaper as a way of initiating the scarification process. Hold one seed between your fingers and GENTLY sand it on a fine or extra fine sandpaper. Sand the side of the seed, but not the end. Check it frequently until the brown seed coat turns yellowish as shown in the photo. Sanding too much will hurt the plant embryo that is located just under the seed coating. Once the seed has been scarred, more water will be allowed into the seed, which in turn will set of the germination process. Place the scarred seeds on a moist (but not wet) paper towel in a dish and keep the dish in a ziplock bag. Keep the dish at room temperature. The scarred seeds will germinate in 2-3 weeks with the protruded radical (the root). I carry out the scarification in early spring so that seedlings can be moved outdoor for the growing season.

1.      Line the bottom of an 8-inch pot with one layer of wood chips (or coarse pine mulch) for better drainage.
2.      Pack the pot with potting soil.
3.      Make a depression in the center deeper than the seed and use the chopstick to make a hole deep enough to accommodate the root. Gently place the sprouting seed into the hole.
4.      Cover the seed with potting soil for about one inch and water.
5.      Keep indoor until the leaves push their way out. as shown in the photo.
6.      Move them outdoor.
7.      Follow the instructions below. Keep birds (especially robins) away from pulling out the seedling.

Location: well-drained, with full sun or at least half-day sun, plant at least one-car length away from the house..

For planting
**Keep the potted lamei in an outdoor corner protected from freezing, if they can’t be planted right away.
1. Dig a hole about 12 inch diameter and 12 inch deep.
2. Line the bottom of the hole with 2-3 inch mulch and top it with a mixture of soil and mulch (1:1).
3. Remove lamei from the pot and plant it in the hole with the base of tree about one inch above the ground.
4. Fill the hole with 1:1 soil/mulch mix and pack well.
5. Cover the base with mulch.
6. Water thoroughly once for the winter months.
7. Fertilize lamei with Tree-tone (by Espoma) once a month from March to October, but skip it in July.
8. Water lamei once a week in the spring and the fall, but every other day during the summer.
