2014年2月16日 星期日


梅苗栽培法 Starting from Sprouting Seeds (Keep refrigerated for later planting) 1. Line the bottom of an 8-inch pot with one layer of wood chips (or coarse pine mulch) for better drainage. 2. Pack the pot with potting soil. 3. Make a depression in the center deeper than the seed and use the chopstick to make a hole deep enough to accommodate the root. Gently place the sprouting seed into the hole. 4. Cover the seed with potting soil and water. 5. Keep indoor until the leaves push their way out. 6. Move them outdoor. 7. Follow the instructions below. Keep birds (especially robins) away from pulling out the seedling. 將梅苗種到八英吋盆裡,放室內,三天後才移到室外,且逐漸增長日照時間。每天澆水﹝大熱天澆兩次﹞,花盆不要放在接水的盤子裡,以免淤水傷根。用四分之一濃度的果樹肥料,從初春到秋末,每月施肥一次﹝夏季暫停施肥﹞。十一月底﹝或葉片掉落後﹞,將小梅樹移種到陽光最多的地方。兩棵相距至少六英尺,離房子也至少六英尺。基部蓋碎木片,即可越冬。(全年謹防兔子、野鹿傷梅樹) Location: well-drained, with full sun or at least half-day sun, plant at least one-car length away from house and between two meihua. For Fall planting **Keep the potted meihua in an outdoor corner protected from freezing, if they can’t be planted right away. 1. Dig a hole about 12 inch diameter and 12 inch deep. 2. Line the bottom of the hole with 2-3 inch mulch and top it with a mixture of soil and mulch (1:1). 3. Remove meihua from the pot and plant it in the hole with the base of tree about 1-2 inch above the ground. 4. Fill the hole with 1:1 soil/mulch mix and pack well. 5. Cover the base with mulch. 6. Water thoroughly once for the winter months. 7. Protect meihua from rabbits and deer with one-inch mesh chicken wire. 8. Fertilize meihua once a month from March to October, but skip it in July. 9. Water meihua at least once a week in the spring and the fall, but everyday during the summer. For Spring planting 1. Overwinter meihua by keeping the plant with pot in the ground and covering the base with mulch. 2. Water thoroughly once for the winter months. 3.In early to mid-March, dig out the plant and remove the pot. 4. Follow the fall planting procedure. Recommended fertilizer: Tree Tone or Plant Tone by Espoma.
